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ehrQL backend tables

OpenSAFELY provides secure access to real data via different OpenSAFELY backends.

For example, there is a TPP backend, for querying patient data held by TPP.

The tables that are available for use in ehrQL depend on which OpenSAFELY backend that you access.

We can consider two kinds of table:

  • core tables
  • backend-specific tables

Core tables🔗

If you have read these documentation pages in the suggested order, then all the examples you will have seen access the core tables.

The core tables are intended to be compatible with any OpenSAFELY backend providing primary care data. If you only use the core tables, then your ehrQL dataset definition will be compatible with different OpenSAFELY backends, without requiring any changes.

Importing core tables🔗

Make the core tables available for use in a dataset definition with import statements like:

from ehrql.tables.beta.core import medications, patients

where the ehrql.tables.beta.core specifies that we are using the core tables.

Backend-specific tables🔗

Different OpenSAFELY backends may opt to provide additional data tables other than the core tables. You may wish to access these tables if the core tables are not sufficient to answer the research question of interest.

⚠ When using backend-specific tables in a dataset definition, your dataset definition will be only compatible with that backend.

🚧 TPP is the most fully developed backend, offering several data tables.

🗒 Implementation of other backends is still in development. But all data in the EMIS OpenSAFELY backend is available via cohort-extractor.

Importing backend-specific tables🔗

Instead of referring to core in the import statement, we use the name of the backend.

For example, for TPP-specific tables, we use tpp in the import statement:

from ehrql.tables.beta.tpp import addresses, patients

🗒 In this example, the addresses table is specific to the TPP backend. The patients table is a core ehrQL table. We import both core and backend-specific tables within a single import statement.

Using the table schema reference🔗

In the examples given so far, the names of the table schemas, tables and columns have been provided for you.

For example, in the dataset definition concepts tutorial, we used the interactive ehrQL sandbox with the following statement to start with:

>>> from ehrql.tables.beta.core import patients, medications
  • beta.core is the table schema
  • patients and medications are the table names

We also accessed table columns such as the date_of_birth column on the patients table:

>>> patients.date_of_birth

Use the table schema reference to look up which schemas and columns are available.

The table schema reference explains:

  • which backends support the schema
  • the table column names
  • the table column data types
  • any additional constraints on table column values
  • additional contextual information about table columns
  • whether table columns contain at most one row per patient, or may contain multiple rows per patient

❔ Consult the beta.core schema. Choose any of the tables there and understand its structure from the schema.